Sunday, August 29, 2010

His Cross/Our Cross

In John 19:17 it says that Jesus went out bearing His own cross - thankful today that the Lord has us bear the cross that He has placed in our lives, and coupled with Matthew 11:28-30 we don't have to do it alone like He did - He promises to be with us and carry our cross with us!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

By Faith

Reading in Hebrews 11:27-29 today and was blessed - Moses was able to not fear leaving Eqypt, was able to keep the Passover and was able to pass through the Red Sea - BY FAITH! BY FAITH we have the same ability - BY FAITH we are able to not fear, BY FAITH we are able to keep what the Lord has said to us and BY FAITH we are able to pass through our trials! Great encouragement for me today! Do you need to be reminded that BY FAITH in the Lord we have so much available to us?