Monday, February 11, 2013

Servant of All

And He sat down called the twelve, and said to them "If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all" Mark 9:35 Jesus sat down! This action everyone understood, He was a Rabbi and He was going to teach. When a Rabbi was going to give out something important, he sat down to teach. The question that had been posed, the statement that they needed and desired clarification on was "who would be the greatest?" How does Jesus answer this question? Not by turning the attention on Him and saying "You're looking at the greatest" even though HE IS THE GREATEST of all!! But rather, He turned their attention (and ours) to the last and to the servant. Of course, this is Jesus isn't it? He is the first yet He made himself last and He served all, He served everyone and He set the example for us. If the Son of God, the Most High, the Lord of All can make Himself last and set Himself as a servant then how could we NOT want to do this. This is our example. Guzik said "The desire to be praised and gain recognition should be foreign to a follower of Jesus". The idea here is that we would welcome the opportunity for the Lord to work in our lives through being a servant and not that it would be forced but that it would be something that springs up from our heart, something that we allow, embrace and work into who we are as believers and followers of Jesus. We need to be followers of Jesus that look more to how can we serve others than how are others going to serve us. What kind of servant will you be today? One that desires to be served or one that desires to servant others?

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